
The 10th "Zhumeiyuan Literary Award" National Oil Painting Competition Call for Applications

In order to improve the level of art and culture, promote the exchange of art creation, and devote itself to the art education platform, the "Wang Yuanlin Culture and Art Foundation" established the "Zhumeiyuan Literature and Art Award", hoping to promote art, improve the quality of culture, and discover and encourage more young art elites .

1. Organizer:

  • Consortium legal person Wang Yuanlin Culture and Art Foundation.

2. Qualifications:

  • All domestic and foreign people engaged in oil painting art creation.

Participation and competition theme:

  • In order to encourage art lovers to devote themselves to art creation, the competition paintings are mainly art creation, hoping to add new culture and vitality to art.

4. Competition Rewards:

  • The first to third place, selection, and acquisition of collection works must sign the consent form for assignment of copyright property rights. The works are collected by the organizer, and the collectors’ bonus is as follows:
  • The first place will be awarded NT$100,000 and a certificate and trophy will be awarded
  • The second place will be awarded NT$200,000 and a certificate and trophy will be awarded
  • The third place will be awarded NT$105,000 and awarded certificates and trophies.
  • Each of the preferred seventh places will receive a bonus of NT$80,000 and a certificate of merit
  • A number of selected candidates will be selected from the finalists after review and a certificate of merit will be awarded
  • Select a number of works that are willing to be collected. The collection amount for each person will be NT$60,000.
  • For those shortlisted who have sent their paintings to the review, each person who has not won the prize will be subsidized with NT$5,000 in material fees.

5. Requirements for entries:

  1. Medium: oil painting
  2. Size: This edition is limited to size 50.
  3. Paintings must be created for 2024. Each person is limited to one piece, which must be the contestant’s own creation.
  4. Paintings may not be output by computer.
  5. All works that have participated in the domestic art exhibition competition shall not be re-entered as the original work. If there is copying and plagiarism, copying others' creations, submitting works in the name of others, or violating any of the provisions of this brochure, it will be cancelled after reporting and reviewing confirmation. Eligibility and recovery of prize money are the same for winners. At the same time, the relevant administrative expenses arising from the illegal act shall be borne.
  6. After the results of the awards are announced, if any paintings violate the rules of the competition, they will be disqualified from the competition after being confirmed by the report and review, and the ranking will not be replaced.
  7. The submitted works should ensure that there is no violation of the competition rules or infringement of the intellectual property rights of others. If there are related disputes and legal issues, the entrants should be fully responsible.
  8. All participants are required to fill in the application form for preliminary review submission, please go to the official website of "Wang Yuanlin Culture and Art Foundation" https://wylf.org.twdownload.

Lu, evaluation mechanism:

  • The organizer employs well-known painters and professionals to form a judging committee to conduct preliminary, re-examination and final evaluation of the entries in a fair and impartial manner. Contestants must not have any objection to the judging committee.

Seven, collection and use rights:

  • The works from the first to tenth place in the final selection will be collected by the organizer; based on the needs of publicity and promotion, the organizer will conduct research, exhibition, photography, reporting, printing, publishing, and related The right to publish in literature, magazines and the Internet.

8. Responsibility for custody:

  • If the works submitted for review have been received without error and have not been damaged, the organizer shall be responsible for keeping the works, but in the case of irresistible circumstances, fragile materials, poor structure and installation, and the unpacked works are not marked with the unpacking diagram The organizer will not be liable for compensation for damages caused to the loading and unloading of works.

9. Date of receipt:

1. Receipt of the photos of the first review paintings~

    • Registered mail will be sent within a limited time from October 28 to November 1, 2024. The postmark will be used as proof. Please send it in an envelope. Overdue originals will be returned.
      The size of the photo is 8 x 10 inches in color. No partial photos are allowed and no folding is allowed.
    • Registered mailing address: No. 130, Cihui 8th Street, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City 814. Please note that the "Zhumeiyuan Literary Award" competition will be accepted.
    • The initial review materials will not be returned.
    • It is suggested that the photo shoot of the entry should be handled with the assistance of experts, so as not to affect the rights and interests of the competition.
    • Shortlist announcement: The shortlist of the preliminary review will be announced on the homepage of the "Wang Yuanlin Culture and Arts Foundation" website in mid-November 2024 and will be notified by special letter.

Second, review the original receipt~

    • Mailings will be sent from December 3 to December 6, 2024, and the postmark will be used as proof. Please contact Zhumeiyuan Art Space in advance if you want to send the items in person.
    • Re-examination submission: Participants who have passed the preliminary examination will be notified by a special letter from the organizer. Please submit the same original work as the preliminary examination photo for the re-examination within the time limit, and attach the "300 dpi resolution JPG file format work image file" CD with the work. Two pieces, and indicate the author and the title of the work on the CD.
    • The back of the original frame must be installed with wood, and the front must be installed with acrylic (no glass). The painting should not be nailed with a nail gun. When framing, pay attention to whether the painting is dry. In order to protect the painting, if the regulations are not followed, the organizer will Not liable for damage to safety;
      All shipping costs are borne by the entrants themselves.
    • There are selected entries for the entry. If the frame is damaged and the painting is damaged, the contestant must repair it by himself before the bonus will be issued.
    • Mailing address: 814, No. 130, Cihui 8th Street, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City, please register for the "Zhumeiyuan Literature and Art Award" competition.

3. Those who pass the final review ~ re-examination will participate in the final review.

pickup, In order to discover and encourage more young art elites, and provide the opportunity to win prizes,Those who have won the top three prizes for three times in the competition activities can be invited to participate in the exhibition or be employed as jury members, and will no longer participate in the competition.

Pick one, awards and exhibition of works:

  1. The time and place of the award ceremony and the exhibition of the winning works will be decided separately.
  2. Participants are required to cooperate with the organizer to plan the exhibition activities free of charge.
  3. After the exhibition, the works will be sent back to the contestants by the organizer.

Pick up, event inquiries:

  • Please leave a message on the official website "Contact Us" of the "Wang Yuanlin Cultural and Art Foundation", and leave a contact number, or during working hours (Tuesday to Saturday 10:30~18:30), contact the hotline 07-374-7165, we will Someone will reply for you.

Pick up ginseng, During the event, the organizer has the absolute right to interpret all doubts. If there are any unresolved matters in this brochure, the organizer may revise and supplement it, and announce it at any time in the "Wang Yuanlin Culture and Art Foundation"https://wylf.org.tw website.