Former Special Assistants

Associate Professor Yi-Pin Lin

2016.08.01─2019.07.31 ( 2016-2018 Academic Year)

Special Assistants, College of Design, YunTech.
Assistant Professor, Department of Creative Design, YunTech.
Assistant Project Professor, Department of Creative Design, YunTech.
Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design, Tung Fang Design University.
Project Administrator, Yi Cheng Ltd.
Director, Office of Academic Affairs, Tung Fang Design University.

Prof. Teng-Wen Chang

2014.08.01─2016.07.31 ( 2014-2015 Academic Year)

Director, IDF, YunTech.
Special Assistants, College of Design, YunTech.
Associate Professor, Department & Graduate School of Digital Media Design, YunTech.

Associate Professor Wen-Shan Chang

2007.08.01─2014.07.31 ( 2007-2013 Academic Year)

Special Assistants, College of Design, YunTech.
Assistant Professor, Department & Graduate School of Digital Media Design, YunTech.