College Introduction

About Us

Improve the level of design education and cultivate outstanding design talents; cooperate with the school's overall development plan to establish an innovative design education model and develop into a world-class diversified design school.
  1. Cultivate high-level design professionals needed for national development: with the goal of cultivating and practicing ethics, innovation, self-learning, macroeconomics, and employability, and cultivating "knowledge integration capabilities" and "international competitive advantages" and design professionals with “both humanities and technology”;
develop design professional teaching materials and strengthen practical teaching and internships, cultivate high-sensitivity and high-experience design thinking, establish the overall design concept of designers in the new era, and provide new solutions that are in line with industry trends. Design talents, in order to bring into full play the synergy of design and strengthen the international competitiveness of Taiwan's design industry.
  1. Integrate industry-university research and implement the function of design services: In terms of industry-university R&D, we aim to strengthen the cyclic operation that promotes industrial value refeedback, create new industrial models and values, and strengthen the integration of industry-university majors and human resources. It also strengthens the academic research and industry-university cooperation teams, integrates teachers, equipment and manpower of various departments, establishes a cross-field cooperation platform, engages in design project research, actively promotes various construction-education cooperation plans, and demonstrates the design service function.
  2. Participate in international exchanges and achieve international goals: combine local culture and international thinking, aim at an international design school, establish international differentiated characteristics and advantages, proactively organize international seminars and professional activities, and Establish international communication channels and expand design education, design academic and design promotion channels from a macro perspective.
  3. Develop into a design school that cultivates diverse expertise: use the design profession to inspire science and technology and humanistic social care, promote creative expressions with academic and technical backgrounds, delve deeply into the professional design field, and actively adjust the system to make the system more flexible in the face of industry. Implement innovative education with diversified meanings.
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, College of Design, encompasses various departments and graduate programs, including Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Architecture & Interior Design, Digital Media Design/In-service Master’s Program of Smart Design for Regional Revitalization, Creative Design, and Bachelor's Program & In-service Master’s Program of Smart Design for Regional Revitalization. Additionally, it offers Master's and Doctoral programs in Design.
Common required courses
課程名稱 學分數 課程簡介
Introduction to Design 3-0-3  This course mainly explains the purpose and essence of design, and introduces various proper nouns and terms related to design. The content of the course may include: aesthetics, semiotics, color science, geometry, perspective, structural theory, graphics, human factors engineering and other subjects.
Artificial Intelligence and Design Applications 1-2-2 This course covers the basics of AI technology, machine learning, deep learning and other related technology training, and how to apply these technologies to design fields, such as illustration, photographic image generation, etc. In addition, the course will also emphasize the application of Design Thinking (Design Thinking) to enable students to understand how to apply AI technology to their daily lives through the methods of design thinking.
Design Aesthetics 2-0-2 This course is positioned as a basic research course in design aesthetics. It attempts to help students master the general aesthetic language by mastering the basic issues and discussion directions of aesthetics in the 20th century, and discuss the legality and appropriateness of these concepts in the design field.
Design Ethics and Laws 2-0-2 This course guides students from professional skills training in the digital media design industry to the field of team project management, and provides an introduction to relevant legal provisions and intellectual property rights.
Color Theory 1-2-2  This course will improve students' good feeling and application ability of color through the cognition and practice of color theory. The class method is to let students understand the theoretical knowledge related to color through narration, and let students use and observe it through practical operation. Color, enhance color acuity.
Life Observation and Documentary 2-0-2 This course will use design as an understanding of life. Through experience and observation, it will deeply touch people's feelings and understanding of external things. Help designers explore different aesthetics and meanings from real environments, and then cultivate professional capabilities in an open field. In the course, different design media, forms and methods are used to give the meaning and value of design through the connotation of personal life, so that students can enter the real social group from their own individuals.
Characteristic development direction
  1. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, College of Design, encompasses various departments and graduate programs, including Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Architecture & Interior Design, Digital Media Design/In-service Master’s Program of Smart Design for Regional Revitalization, Creative Design, and Bachelor's Program & In-service Master’s Program of Smart Design for Regional Revitalization. Additionally, it offers Master's and Doctoral programs in Design. The major covers two-dimensional, three-dimensional, space, digital and cultural and creative design fields, forming a very complete design professional teaching system.
  2. College of Design operates the Design and Media Center and the Idea Factory (IDF), which support teaching, research, and service, facilitating collaboration between industry, government, academia, and research. These centers prioritize design promotion and industrial services.
  3. Taking the school's "integration of industry and academia, innovative design" as the main development axis, focusing on industry-university cooperation and the cultivation of design talents, it cultivates "pragmatic and practical" design professionals, and gradually develops "cultural and creative design, digital value-added design, Three directions, including "cross-disciplinary design", have become important features of the School of Design of Yunnan University of Science and Technology.
  4. The School of Design leads students to think from the perspectives of traditional industries, digital technology, social welfare, business models, business management, smart agriculture, etc., and integrates various local practical concepts into workshop learning, allowing students to step out of the stratosphere and integrate various The ingenious ideas and practices in the field and social industry can help break through the existing conservative framework.
  5. YunTech Design School is moving towards the cultivation of π-type talents with sensibility and practical ability, becoming a new model of design education, and is conducive to moving towards YunTech Design School in Global.
Future Prospect
(1) Towards the international creation of a new vision of design:
a. Strengthen the international competitiveness of the college, enhance the international vision and create a new model of technical and vocational education;
b. Establish a cross-border cooperation mechanism, establish sister universities, and jointly build an environment for international research and industry-academia cooperation;
c. Encourage participation in international design activities to create the top peak of YunTech.
(2) Establish a life-wide learning policy:
a. Encourage the promotion of MOOCs and digital online courses;
b. Actively apply for cross-school credits to achieve two-way learning performance;
c. Enrich the classrooms and laboratory equipment of each department, and implement teaching that combines theory and practice;
d. To strengthen the beautification of the School and the improvement of performance facilities to achieve the objectives of environmental education;
e. Regularly review the curriculum structure and appropriately allocate common compulsory and interdisciplinary courses to nurture diverse design talents;
f. Establish the characteristics of the development of the college and promote the integration of cross-discipline and cross-faculty and department-based learning.
(3) Encourage industry-university cooperation and enhance students' competitiveness:
a. Encourage all departments to organize special design exhibitions for graduating students to promote students' design achievements and increase employment opportunities;
b. Encourage industry-academia cooperation to enhance students' competitiveness in the workplace;
c. Encourage teachers to seek research proposals from the National Science Council and other ministries;
d. Combine the two design centers and various departments to actively promote industry-university cooperation and design services.